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CBOLD Reference Manual

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of CBOLD
1.2. Conventions and Typography
2. Quick Start Guide
2.1. What You Need to Get Started
2.2. Setting Up CBOLD
2.3. Creating a New Design
2.4. Fundamentals
2.5. Design Structure
2.6. Work Flow
2.7. Flow of the main() Function
2.8. Conclusion
3. Source Files
3.1. CBOLD Files
3.2. User C++ Files
3.3. User Part Files
3.4. User Designator Text Files
4. CBOLD Classes
4.1. TPart
4.2. TModule
4.3. TBundle
4.4. TPort
4.5. TPortRange
4.6. TDesignator
5. The main() Function
6. Registering
6.1. Overview
6.2. Registering Macros
6.3. Order of Registration
6.4. Registering Array Members
6.5. Additional Processing in Register()
7. Connections
7.1. Overview
7.2. Practical Guide to Connecting
7.3. Connecting Functions and Operators
7.4. Net and Subbus Naming Conventions
7.5. Subbusses and Nets
7.6. Netlist Extraction
7.7. Additional Processing in Connect()
8. Reference Designators
8.1. Overview
8.2. Assigning Reference Designators
8.3. Designator Text Files
9. Properties
9.1. Overview
9.2. How do Properties Carry Information?
10. Advanced Techniques
10.1. User Members
10.2. Inheritance
10.3. Selective Registration
10.4. Constraint Files for Programmable Devices
11. Support Tools
11.1. pt_to_h
11.2. auto_reg
12. Utilities
13. Engineering Change Orders
14. Outputs
14.1. Symbolic Names and Paths
14.2. Status and Error Messages
14.3. Symbolic Netlist
14.4. CAD Netlist
14.5. Autorouter Command Files
14.6. ASIC Constraint Files
14.7. Bill of Materials
14.8. Why does CBOLD Lack an Electrical Rules Checker?
15. Expanding CBOLD
16. Style Guide
16.1. Naming Conventions for User Classes
16.2. Naming Conventions for Ports
16.3. Naming Conventions for User Instances
16.4. Naming Conventions for Nets
16.5. Reference Designator Prefix Conventions
16.6. General Style Guidelines
17. Tips and Tricks
17.1. Debugging
18. Technical Details
18.1. Port Range Implementation
18.2. Error Handling
19. Tested Compilers
20. Example Designs
21. C++ Primer
21.1. Classes and Inheritance
21.2. Constructors and Destructors
21.3. Static Variables and Members
21.4. Virtual Functions
21.5. dynamic_cast
21.6. Runtime Type Information (RTTI)
21.7. References
21.8. Function Overloading and Default Arguments
21.9. Operator Overloading
21.10. Type Conversion Operators
21.11. Exceptions
21.12. Macros
21.13. enum
21.14. The Standard Library
22. Recommended Reading
23. CBOLD Glossary


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