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19. Tested Compilers

The following table summarizes compiler compatibility tests:

Operating System Compiler/Environment Tests Pass?
Linux® GCC 2.96 * S    R Yes *
Windows® GCC 3.2 / MinGW under CBuilderX™ S E R Yes
Windows® Borland® C++Builder® 5.0 S E R Yes
Windows® Microsoft® Visual C++® 2005 S E R Yes

Explanation of Tests:

S The skeleton design was successfully compiled, linked, and run.
E All CBOLD Example Designs were successfully compiled, linked, and run.
R The output of each compiled design passed its regression tests.

The regression tests consist of character-by-character comparison of each output file with the corresponding output file generated by the design executable generated under C++Builder 5.0. Output files generated under Linux had newlines converted to cr/lf pairs via ASCII ftp.

The regression tests essentially confirm that all tested compilers resulted in identical design output.

* NB: To compile under GCC 2.96, the following line in cb_user_pref.h must be uncommented:

//#define   ios_base ios    // needed for older versions of gcc


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