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8. Reference Designators

NB: The Style Guide contains Reference Designator Prefix Conventions.

Section Contents

8.1. Overview
8.2. Assigning Reference Designators
8.3. Designator Text Files

8.1. Overview

Reference designators are used to identify parts during PCB layout. A reference designator consists of one or more letters followed by a number. The letters typically convey some information about the type of part, but CBOLD also allows the letters to convey information about the part's location in the design hierarchy.

For example, a standard schematic capture application might assign the following reference designators:

R1 a resistor
R2 another resistor
Q1 a transistor

These reference designators have the form shown below. Each field contains one or more characters:

R 1
Prefix Number

CBOLD can assign reference designators of the form above, but it also allows assignments such as:

VMR1 a resistor in the design's VME subsystem
VMR2 another resistor in the design's VME subsystem
FPR1 a resistor in the design's FrontPanel subsystem
FPQ1 a transistor in the design's FrontPanel subsystem

CBOLD reference designators have the form:

VM R 1
Base Prefix Number

Again, the Prefix and Number fields each contain one or more characters. The Base field contains zero or more characters. If the designer does not specify a Base, designators have the same format as the standard two–field designator.

As described below, the ultimate Base for a part is the concatenation of the assigned Bases of its owner module(s).

When a design uses Bases, its reference designators are hierarchical, and the automatic assignment of Numbers restarts with 1 for each Base.

CBOLD provides the following functions for assigning reference designators:

TModule::SetReferenceBase() sets a module's hierarchical reference base
TModule::AssignReferenceDesignators() hierarchically assigns reference designators
TModule::CheckReferenceDesignators() checks for duplicate reference designators
TModule::WriteReferenceDesignators() writes reference designators to a file
TModule::ReadReferenceDesignators() reads reference designators from a file

Except for SetReferenceBase(), the above functions are typically called only for the Root module, e.g.:

Root.AssignReferenceDesignators();   // assigns reference designators in Root and all of its member modules


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