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11.1.3. Advanced Capabilities

The advanced tokens described below round out the capabilities of pt_to_h. They are not used in most part files.

Advanced Tokens

Token Parameters Legal Contexts Description
#   Global Begins a line that is to be inserted directly into the destination file. The initial # is included in the insertion. This token provides a convenient means of adding lines intended for the C++ preprocessor, e.g.: #include "my_part_header.h"
$PART_PREFIX part prefix Global Specifies a part prefix, which is prepended to the part names to form the part class names. E.g., 74F07 becomes CP_74F07. The prefix stays in effect until the next $PART_PREFIX, if any. The default part prefix is "CP_".
$BASE_CLASS base class text
Global Specifies the base class to be used in part class declarations. The specified base class is used until the next $BASE_CLASS, if any. The default base class is "public TPart". The base class text must appear on the same line as $BASE_CLASS.
lines of text Part Specifies lines of text to be inserted in the current part's class declaration. The lines are inserted following port declarations, but before the constructor and Register(). If the user changes access to private or protected, final access must be returned to public. The last line must be followed with $END.
lines of text Part Specifies lines of text to be inserted at the end of the current part's Register() function. The last line must be followed with $END.
lines of text Part Specifies lines of text to be inserted at the end of the current part's constructor. The last line must be followed with $END.
lines of text Global Specifies lines of text to be inserted in the destination file. The last line must be followed with $END.
$END   see --> Terminates a block that was started with $PART_LINES, $REGISTER, $CONSTRUCTOR, or $INSERT.
$ENDFILE   Global Causes the remainder of the file to be ignored.

*2. The base class text must appear on the same line as $BASE_CLASS.

*3. The remainder of the line following these tokens is ignored.


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